Manifesting Millions

an immersive experience for women building wealth

 Are you ready to:

  • Be confident about the state of your personal and business finances

  • Gain knowledge about market and real estate investing (perfect for beginners!)

  • Practice the tools to re-pattern your subconscious mind (a.k.a. ditch that pesky programming that keeps you exactly where you are)

  • Have a deep connection to a community of ambitious women

  • Feel lit up and inspired to build your wealthđŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„


You're working for the weekend. You feel limited by your paycheque and 3 weeks vacation. The little voice saying "there's more to life than spending all day bored, exhausted and following rules" started as a whisper and is just getting louder...

Now you realize

The point of your one beautiful life is not to pay bills + die.


The moment you decide, once and for all, that you're going to learn how to be a wealthy woman, everything changes. 


It's time to step into the highest version of yourself.

The you that is fulfilled, free to decide how she spends her time and is rich af.


Both courses and allll of the bonuses in this Manifesting Millions Bundle are created to support you to

make a lot of money, have a lot of fun + do a lot of good in this world.

It's time to embrace your inner wealthy woman that's waiting to be released from the shadows. 

Are you with us?

Do any of these sound familiar?


✔ You feel overwhelmed and disorganized when it comes to managing your money

✔ It feels like being wealthy is only for people in a secret club with info that you don't have

✔ You think you're behind where you "should be" at this stage in your life

✔ No one ever taught you how to organize your money and become an investor

✔ Even if you had the info, you'd struggle to take consistent action

✔ You're scared to go big in your business because you'd have no clue how to manage more money


Imagine what it would feel like if you knew exactly what to do each month to grow your wealth and hit your money goals faster.

What if we told you that you could... 

✔ Understand and use the energetics of money to your advantage

✔ Free up mental space by having a simple system to manage your day-to-day income and expenses

✔ Finally release the judgement around money and its correlation with your own personal worth

✔ Easily create your own Personal Financial Statement to know where you are + where you want to be

✔ Prioritze learning about simple investing strategies

✔ Feel confident in your knowledge and ability to build your wealth

It's possible to set your mind to growing a multi-6 or 7 figure net worth in a short span of time.

You don't have to deprive yourself of all pleasure to make your dreams happen. 

But you do have to decide that you will be wealthy and take simple, strategic actions that allows yourself to receive the wealth when it arrives. 

That's why we created our signature money bundle: Manifesting Millions. 



Manifesting Millions Bundle

2 Courses & 10 Life-Changing Lessons

First, in Manifesting Money Masterclass, you'll master your money mindset and apply our simple system to organize your personal & business finances, creating a pathway to receive more wealth. 

Module 1: Money is Energy

This is focused around harnessing your energy, the energy of your desires, and the energy of money. Your challenge will be to observe where you are investing your energy - and where there is room to create change. 

Module 2: Un-limit your Beliefs

You'll be truly shedding limiting beliefs as you move forward on your manifesting money journey. We teach our simple system of creating an abundance forecast, which allows you to manage the day-to-day cash flow within your accounts. 

Module 3: Clarity

Now that you know where your money is going and have a simple system in place to allow even more abundance into your life, we're going to get really clear on what you want and where you stand in this moment. You'll dig around and find the information needed to pull together your personal financial statement. 

Module 4: Worthiness

What you believe, you receive. Every time you rise to a new level (whether it be financial, in growing your business or adding another kid to your family) you bump up against the ceiling of what you believe is possible. This module will support you to expand your feelings and beliefs, knowing that you are capable of making informed money decisions and worthy of all you desire - including an incredible life. 

Next in Millionaire Mindset, our advanced money course, you'll learn the step-by-step method to create security, freedom and wealth via investing. 

Because once you build your wealth, you get to decide how you spend your time - and we're all about freedom over here!!  

By taking Millionaire Mindset, you'll be immersed in conversations with other women building their wealth and gain the tools to become an informed investor in 3 areas: your own business, the financial market and real estate. 

Module 1: Groundwork

In the groundwork module, you will experience the core neurolingusitic programming techniques to raise your vibration and become organized in both your personal and business banking. By the end of Module 1, you'll know your numbers and what reality you are manifesting, moving forward. 

Module 2: The multi-stream dream

We'll be discussing the multiple streams of income that allow you to build wealth - and most importantly, the focus required to master one stream at a time. With our tried, tested and true visualization exercises, you'll become crystal clear on the reasons your desires are present and what you're creating.

Module 3: Build it!

By now, new thoughts are creating new beliefs. New actions are being taken. This means a new reality is appearing! In this module we practice taking decisive, courageous action and building confidence in your ability to make decisions about investing. Previous students have used the content of this module to make BIG moves - whether it's taking the baby steps toward paying off debt, opening a questrade account or buying a rental property, you are smart + capable of building wealth and we are here for this ENERGY! 

Module 4: Leverage and Circulate

The final section of the course is all about leveraging your momentum with habits, time and accountability. Taking one single action, one time and expecting a massive result is counter-productive. With all of the things you've learned, goals you've set and new wealthy, badass girlfriends you've made, it's time to commit to the long-term energy of building wealth. Life is a game and it's time to win on your own terms.đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„

Lifetime access to the entire Manifesting Millions Bundle including both incredible courses: 

  • Manifesting Money Masterclass
  • Millionaire Mindset

AND access to continuous upgrades to each course! 

($2000 VALUE)


Invitation to our Next Study Group

About 1x a year, our resident wealthy woman and money obsessed maven, Kaila Pilecki, hosts a live cohort of the Manifesting Millions bundle. We do this over 5 (or more) zoom calls where we get together and talk about money + wealth building strategies discussed in the bundle. 

When you're in, you get access. 

We will announce the next live cohort shortly - or you can email us [email protected] to find out when we're hosting next. 

($2500 VALUE)



Done for you (easy to use) templates that you can use to know your numbers instantly!

A huge part of building your own wealth portfolio is knowing exactly where you stand, and where you're headed. Using the multiple templates that we've created for you (and video tutorials), it's easy to get a snapshot of your personal financial picture, experiment with rental property income cashflow and decide how quickly you can pay down debt. 

($500 VALUE)


Paid in Full

  • Instant, lifetime access to the Manifesting Millions bundle which includes:

    • Manifesting Money Masterclass

    • Millionaire Mindset

  • BONUS: Done for you, plug and play templates that you can use to know your numbers instantly!

  • 55+ lessons (audio, video and written format) that include neurolinguistic programming tools, meditations and a special wealth hypnosis
  • 31 day "Mind My Money" Challenge to build your wealth consciousness
  • PAID IN FULL ONLY: 30 minute 1:1 wealth building strategy call with money expert, Kaila Pilecki 
Pay in full - aka let's make it happen!


3 monthly payments of $279

  • Instant, lifetime access to the Manifesting Millions bundle which includes:

    • Manifesting Money Masterclass

    • Millionaire Mindset

  • BONUS: Done for you, plug and play templates that you can use to know your numbers instantly!

  • 55+ lessons (audio, video and written format) that include neurolinguistic programming tools, meditations and a special wealth hypnosis
  • 31 day "Mind My Money" Challenge to build your wealth consciousness
Get started NOW for $297

2 coaches are better than 1


Hi, I'm Nicole

a Professional Co-Active Coach and trained NLP practitioner. I obtained my coach training from CTI, the largest leadership coach training program in the world. Alongside Kaila Pilecki, I co-founded My Aligned Purpose in 2020 to support ambitious women entrepreneurs. 


The spiritual teachings I provide come from my Registered Yoga/Mindfulness training in Hatha, Yin and Vinyasa as well as sitting in ceremony with Peruvian Shaman medicine women. As a former high school teacher, connector and visionary, I've coached over 200 people to become best selling authors on Amazon, and 100’s of women inside of our My Aligned Purpose programs. My mission is to support women in elevating their mindset and proving to themselves that anything is possible.



Hi, I'm Kaila

a Certified Executive Coach and co-founder of My Aligned Purpose, alongside Nicole Crone. I have over a decade of experience, working in leadership and fundraising roles with non-profit organizations, where I raised millions of dollars to facilitate social change. An entrepreneur through and through, I've established and operated multiple businesses including my coaching practice, managing real estate investments, painting houses and creating artisanal, cultured butter. 

I specialize in creating effective, profit driven business systems that take the guesswork out of growth and scaling your business. My life's mission is to support women in building their wealth.

Both Kaila and Nicole are Dare to Lead™ Trained and are committed to devouring any content created by fellow professional and personal development thought leaders. This work is our passion and we are so grateful to be able to coach brilliant women like you every single day!


Ready to become a confident, wealthy woman?